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Stevenage Sea Cadets have been presented with a burgee - a mainitime distinguishing flag - following a Ministry of Defence inspection during the Queens Golden Jubilee year.

The Ministry looks at every sea cadet unit each year, assessing them on everything from how the youngsters perform in training to how well the unit is run in general.

The top 20 per cent receive a burgee and the next 60 per cent receive a pennant for their good work.

WELL DONE Stevenage unit.

The Sea Cadet Corps

The Sea Cadet Corps is a nationwide voluntary uniformed youth organisation , open to young people aged 12 to 18 and with junior sections open those of 10 to 12 years, regardless of sex, religion or race, and within the bounds of safety to themselves and others, to those with special needs.

The aim of the Sea Cadet Corps is to help young people towards responsible adulthood by encouraging valuable personal attributes and high standards of conduct, using a nautical theme based on the customs of the Royal Navy.

The first Sea Cadet unit was started in 1856, but the Navy League formed the Corps as a national organisation in 1899. Today the Sea Cadets, including the Marine Cadet detachments and the Junior Cadets are organised on a town or city basis throughout the United Kingdom. The Corps id not a pre-service nor para-military organisation - it is a youth organisation and a registered charity.

Ther are 400 units throughout the UK and Northern Ireland, each with their own name and identity - just like a naval ship- and each with its own uniformed officers and instructors. they all have one thing in common - the facilities provided for the Sea Cadets to take part in activities in which self-discipline, leadership and a sense of responsibility to the community are encouraged.

The accent is on the sea - seamanship, sailing and boatwork have a high priority and most units, even those inland such as Stevenage, have access to water and boats.

The corps consists of 6 regions or areas, each area has an Area Officer who with their staff organise training and sporting activities, while other activities are organised and arranged on a National level. These include visits to HM Ships, courses in Royal Naval training establishments, sailing and pulling regattas and voyages in the square- rigged sail training vessel, the brig T.S. Royalist.

T.S. Royalist has a small permanent crew, and the remaining 26-crew members consist of officers, instructors and cadets under training. This training is practical seamanship also engenders self-confidence, teamwork and companionship, all part of the Aim of the Corps.

We hold twice weekly parades and are open at other times for specialist training in seamanship, engineering, parade training, expedition traingin, cookery. All our cadets can also take part in our active canoeing, adventureous training, shooting and Duke of Edinburgh Award training sessions held most weekends on board or at our outdoor training locations.

Sea Cadet Organisation The Sea Cadet Corps is organised into 6 Areas : Northern, North West, Eastern, South West, London and Southern.

Each Area has several Districts under the command of a District Officer. Stevenage unit is in Hertfordshire District and our D.O. is Lt Cdr (SCC)G.Waylett
Herts District has 3 other units: Hitchin, Rickmansworth and Watford, St Albans and Welwyn Garden City.

At unit level the command structure varies, but normally there is an Officer as Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge. TS Andromeda's Commanding Officer is S/Lt(SCC) M. Coates (RNR). The unit has a First Lieutenant, Petty Officer (SCC) D. Kinch, a Training Officer, CI L. Jones. The Administration is carried out by a non-uniformed member of staff, Mr J. Springall and each division has a Petty Officer as its Divisional Officer.

For TI's, SCRs, HQTMs see email address below:

http:/www.sccheadquarters.com, htp:/www.seacadetwebring.org

Sea Cadet Webring for Unit address and contact details


